Karate In Schools: Fostering Physical, Mental and Emotional Health
Physical education in schools is not a new concept. It plays a pivotal role in improving students' strength and allowing them to stay...
Karate In Schools: Fostering Physical, Mental and Emotional Health
What Karate means to me
Reflections on Musashi’s “Book of Void”
Sanchin Breathing and Its Importance
What Karate Means To Me
Health Benefits of Karate
Shodan-ho essay: Ruby Vilkko
Reflection: Allowing the “Indestructable to Arise Within”
A Book of Five Rings: Thoughts by Dan Preston
Why compete?
Why Study Kobudo
The Joining Precept to See the Others More Clearly
The fallacy of self-defense
The business of karate
Consistency over Intensity in Training
A piece of cloth
Kumite: The art of sparring